I am the Founder and Editor of Living Seasons Ministry (LSM). A ministry resurrected from a decade ago. A lot of life happened since the initial closure of LSM as I moved through latter seasons of my life; retirement, and then relocation from PA to SC. Along this journey, there were many joys, heartaches and challenges. In this season
I am the Founder and Editor of Living Seasons Ministry (LSM). A ministry resurrected from a decade ago. A lot of life happened since the initial closure of LSM as I moved through latter seasons of my life; retirement, and then relocation from PA to SC. Along this journey, there were many joys, heartaches and challenges. In this season of life, I have a renewed spirit to move forward once again with LSM. Lynda A Stear
The Mission of God is the over-arching theme of LSM as the ministry presents ways to discover and define Seasons of Life and ultimately the Purpose of one's life to make God known and to be a blessing. See the Mission Statement of this ministry in My Blog. Ecclesiastics 3:1 is the driving Scripture that puts this ministry in the context of seasons of life.
Other writers are welcome to contribute stories of how their lives are or were impacted in a particular season of life. Please contact Lynda for Writer Guidelines. Go to Contact page.